drrr.com (aka. drrr.us) was founded on April 28, 2010. It was closed at the end of the year and relaunched on July 25, 2011. Source code based on drrr-like-chat, Now this site is maintained by Project DOLLARS, and other contributors.
Project DOLLARS is an unofficial team behind this site, we’re non-profit organization, we have no investors, and don’t need to optimize for their legal needs.
drrr.com(即 drrr.us)創立于 2010 年 4 月 28 日,由於某些原因於年當年底關閉。於 2011 年 7 月 25 日再次開站。程式基於 drrr-like-chat,目前由 Project DOLLARS 及志願者共同維護
Project DOLLARS 是一個非官方團隊,在這個網站的後面。我們是非營利組織,我們沒有投資人,所以我們也不需要為他人的法律需求來改變網站的發展方向
This website is an unofficial fansite not the official website of Durarara!! (aka. デュラララ!!). We’re not affiliated with Aniplex Inc. (株式会社アニプレックス)/成田良悟/KADOKAWA アスキー・メディアワークス刊/池袋ダラーズ, or its related companies. All original artwork on this site is copyrighted and/or trademarked by Aniplex or one of its related companies.